Tuesday, September 18, 2007

On election night and food

So, tonight is primary election night in New York state. I work for a newspaper, so we're pretty busy tonight (not yet, though, because polls haven't closed — side note: you'd be surprised how many calls we get asking for results before the polls have closed, though that's not nearly as bad as all the people without computers who call up while we're on deadline asking who won this race and who the new superintendent of highways is going to be). Reporters in my office are writing a total of 16 stories for tomorrow's paper, just on the election.

So every election night we get food. Usually pizza.

We ordered six pies tonight - two cheese, two pepperoni, one sausage and one fried eggplant (that was my idea). We always ask for napkins and plates and usually don't get them. We didn't tonight. (Why should this night be different from all other nights? It's not Passover!)

There's nothing like a nice slice or two of really greasy pizza just before you have to sit down and plow through yards of copy and make sure you make it through the night. I feel it sitting like a gut bomb in my stomach now.

But while we were eating, we discussed the fact that pizza is pretty perfect. I mean, if you have one with meat on it, you've got your protein, your starch, your fiber, your dairy, your vegetables. Sure, it's fattening. Sure, it's greasy, but it's pizza and this is New York.

And what, my friends, could be more perfect than that?


TheJackSack said...

I similarly told someone at the office on Monday that pizza is a flawless food. Of course, they say there's no such thing as bad pizza, and that may be ture, but there is certainly something to be said for *excellent* pizza. I will be profiling my pick for best pizza soon, it's a little place in Mt. Vernon, NY called "Johnny's" and it is nothing short of perfect.

AmyV said...

Well, I would not agree that there is no such thing as bad pizza. There certainly is. Especially outside the NY metro area (I've lived down south and out west, trust me on this).

But you are absolutely correct, Adam, there is something to be said for *excellent* pizza. I've been spoiled, because I loved the pizza in Rome (totally different than the pizza we have here, which is generally the Neapolitan variety), but there's this one place nearby us in Jersey that serves pizza with broccoli rabe on it, and it's awesome.